Collaborative action in cities: Our favourite TED talks

City Collab April 28, 2022

At City Collab we are passionate about using the power of storytelling to elevate the level of conversation around urban issues and inspire engagement towards making real change happen on ground. And what better way to start this blog than with a list of our favourite TED Talks about citizenship and collaborative action in cities! These come from incredibly awesome people from around the world who share our belief in communication and citizen engagement as being fundamental to changing the face of their cities. We hope you will find them as inspiring as we do! Drop us a comment if you do!

It’s our city. Let’s fix it, Alessandra Orofino

Building a park in the sky, Robert Hammond

Coding a better government, Jennifer Pahlka

Greening the ghetto, Majora Carter

How to revive your belief in democracy, Eric Liu


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